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The archival fonds are distributed in 4 series.

1. Institution fonds (FI) include:

The archives of central administration and general services
The teaching entities archives: faculties, schools
The research entities archives: institutes, centers
The archives of members of the university community, including:
Archives of professors and researchers
Scientific staff archives
Administrative staff archives
Staff association archives
Archives of peripheral entities
Student societies archives: kots-à-projet archives, régionales archives, cercles archives, other student societies archives, alumni socities archives, individual student archives

2. External fonds (FE) do not concern UCLouvain and its members.

3. Deposited fonds (FD) are kept at the UCLouvain Archives, but remain under the responsibility of the UCLouvain entities or the third parties who filed them.

4. Managed fonds (FG) are co-managed with other entities, the Archives being therefore partially responsible. They can be preserved (totally or partially) or not at the UCLouvain Archives.


A collection is a set of documents gathered, generally by an archivist, according to their medium (for specific conservation purposes) or according to a specific theme.
It is for these purposes that where build the collections (CO) at the UCLouvain Archives.
The collections mainly include documents regarding the UCLouvain (especially directories and study programs since 1834, regulations, procès-verbaux of the University’s various management bodies and entities, promotional publications, bio-bibliographic files about teachers, etc.), but also documents completely external. They are many types and supports : visuals and audiovisuals documents, courses (since the 17th century), posters, newspapers, paintings, engravings, scientific objects, teaching materials, degrees, medals, flags, emblems, furniture, clothes, manuscripts, papyrus.